Forums > Pantheons > American pantheon
Joined 4038 days ago
Last seen 3376 days ago
American pantheon
Posted 4020 days ago
To all Americans playing this game. Please join if you want to fight people half way around the world and talk about how they miss pronounce words like ''mom'' because our accents are better.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 569 days ago
Re. American pantheon
Posted 4019 days ago
Welcome to the uhm.. universe? gl with your pantheon. MURICA!
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 296 days ago
Re. American pantheon
Posted 4019 days ago
We have better accents, it is a fact (Obviously).
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 6208 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
Re. American pantheon
Posted 4013 days ago
Several people are flaming this topic and the original poster.

Stop it. Don't post off-topic. You might not agree with the pantheon, but it's his pantheon.
Forums > Pantheons > American pantheon
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