Terms of Use
These Terms of Use set forth the conditions under which you are provided access to the Gods and Idols online service by Johannes Pihl ("Viking Tao").
Gods and Idols is an online game, which may be played only with the official client through the official Gods and Idols online service.
Viking Tao, at any time and in its sole discretion, may terminate user accounts or discontinue Gods and Idols and any associated services.
If you are not of the legal age of majority in your nation, your parents or a guardian must grant you permission to make use of Gods and Idols.
You acknowledge that any account or digital-item within Gods and Idols is the sole property of Viking Tao. Viking Tao, at any time and in its sole discretion, may remove or gift digital-items to an account with or without notice.
Viking Tao and any member or employee of Viking Tao, cannot be held liable in any way for loss or damages of any kind resulting from using Gods and Idols, the official client, the official website, or the official online service.
You are only allowed to create and use one Gods and Idols account, using multiple accounts or creating multiple accounts is severely prohibited.
While making use of the Gods and Idols client, the official website, or the Gods and Idols online service, you must follow the Code of Conduct at all times.
Using bugs or errors in game design, cheats or hacks, or any third-party software to alter the Gods and Idols online service, is prohibited.
Using trademarks, brands, copyrighted material, popular culture figures, celebrities, media personalities, political- or religious figures in your empire name is prohibited.
Code of Conduct
English is the official language of Gods and Idols, using any other language on the official forums or chat is not allowed.
Topics and posts on the official forum may be removed if they are found by Administrators to be detrimental to the Gods and Idols experience.
You may be muted in the Gods and Idols chat if your behaviour is found to be detrimental to the Gods and Idols experience.
Administrators have absolute power and must be obeyed in regards to all activities related to Gods and Idols, the website, and the online service.
And most importantly, don't be a dick
Let's plays and videos
We allow all kinds of Let's plays and videos, including but not limited to Youtube, or Twitch.
You may monetize your videos.
You must not misrepresent ads as endorsed by Viking Tao.
You must provide a link to the official site (http://www.godsandidols.com/) or Steam store page (http://store.steampowered.com/app/423890) in the video description, or feature it in the video itself.
Your account details consist of a 64bit numeric Steam ID (steamID64), we collect no personal information.
We do not share your account information with anyone.
If you have any questions or requests please contact support and we'll be happy to help.
These terms may be updated at any time and if they are updated will be shown the next time you sign into the game.
Last updated 2018-05-28
Gods and Idols is copyright © Johannes Pihl 2007-2023, all rights reserved;
Shadowbox.js is © Michael J. I. Jackson;
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.