Forums > Bug reports
Please only post one bug per topic and include as much information as you can! Screenshots and logfiles are greatly appreciated!
A few things
Created 2113 days ago
Started by Grantrithor
Stockpile bug?
Created 2153 days ago
Started by Joseph
Reset and Tutorial
Created 2754 days ago
Started by Icefire2314
Tutorial Bug (maybe?)
Created 2754 days ago
Started by Icefire2314
Power/Essence generation
Created 2782 days ago
Started by Joseph
Logistic Lines Still buggy
Created 2853 days ago
Started by Moopy
Production Doesn't Pause
1 replies, last reply 2854 days ago by Jattenalle
Started by Moopy
Building Interface
1 replies, last reply 2930 days ago by Jattenalle
Started by Icefire2314
Gold production (Minor Text Bug)
1 replies, last reply 2930 days ago by Jattenalle
Started by Icefire2314
Known issues [Please check before reporting a bug!]
7 replies, last reply 3652 days ago by Jattenalle
Started by Jattenalle
Forums > Bug reports
Steam Early-access
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