Forums > Diary > TCLI is down, patch soon!
Joined 6208 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
TCLI is down, patch soon!
Posted 3511 days ago
The TCLI server is down in preparation for the next patch.

Among the fixes and additions are:
-Quests fixed and working again
-Improved planet management
-Many more buildings
-Many more resources

The next patch after that will:
-Add several Artifacts
-Re-enable Treasures
-Unlock Essence gain and Essence purchase
-Unlock Power gain from population
-Add several more spells
Joined 6208 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
Re. Re. Re. TCLI is down, patch soon!
Posted 3506 days ago
Quest logic has been fixed.
Adding some more quests and buildings then it's patch time!

Few more hours!
Just a day or so more!

Forums > Diary > TCLI is down, patch soon!
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