Forums > Patches > TCLI-20140607-012732-75 [New resources, buildings]
Joined 6207 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
TCLI-20140607-012732-75 [New resources, buildings]
Posted 3703 days ago
-Reworked all resources
-Reworked most buildings
-Available workforce now affect production speeds
-Buildings now affect production speeds
-Changed population growth system
-Food is now much more important
-Removed the Children resource

-Added several missing options to the ingame settings dialog
-Updated main menu
-Optimized login procedure and error reporting

-Removed some deprecated options from settings.ini

-Dialogs no longer overwrite each other
-Seeding a planet now properly gives 100% influence over it [Reported by Kethek]
-Buildings render properly
-While camera locked to an active accretion you can no longer select other objects
-Fixed quit message being upside down
-Fixed uiBuilders trying to access objects before they exist
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. TCLI-20140607-012732-75 [New resources, buildings]
Posted 3703 days ago
One annoyance is that every time one just goes to the registration screen, the terms on use pop up and must be dismissed. Besides that everything looks good.
Forums > Patches > TCLI-20140607-012732-75 [New resources, buildings]
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