Forums > Pantheons > Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
Joined 4670 days ago
Last seen 3095 days ago
Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
Posted 4112 days ago
So in lieu of a WildStar coming out this summer, I figured I'd stop in here to see if anyone else is interested in joining me in WildStar Online.

Me, and a good number of the rest of our gaming community are and have been interested in Gods and Idols for a solid 2 years if not longer, but we also obviously enjoy plenty of other games, usually in the MMO and/or sandbox space. We do also play MOBAs and FPS games as well as titles like Path of Exile and Starcraft 2. Flavor of the day with us.

At any rate I hope you'll check us out and read the more recruity bit on our website! I'm just out to spread the word about us. :)

Feel free to check us out at

OH and Fromancer if your still lurking around, we miss you on minecraft bro! haha
Joined 4379 days ago
Last seen 2737 days ago
Re. Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
Posted 4109 days ago
Might be interested. Didnt' make it into Wildstar beta. You play on Jatt's MC server?
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
Posted 4107 days ago
I cant remember the mine craft server at all. Thought there was a post on forums about it, but i guess not. I'm game to play on anyone's server.
Joined 4670 days ago
Last seen 3095 days ago
Re. Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
Posted 4089 days ago
I clearly don't get on here enough. xD 18 days late replying to you guys. I haven't been on Jatt's mc server, i didnt even know he had one! I was talking about a server I used to run, and the only way I have of getting in touch with Fromancer is actually through these forums. Guess he's been as inactive if not more so than me.
Forums > Pantheons > Special Delivery (Gaming Community)
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