Forums > Pantheons > Chaos Space Marines!
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Last seen 3364 days ago
Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4419 days ago
since there is going to be a playable version of Gods and Idols i want to start a Pantheon as a good way to start out the season. (If anyone is familiar with war hammer they know what we are goiing to be about.)
Now the Legion of chaos is a faction of complete and utter chaosy goodness with a evil filling. The soul purpose will be to cause hardship, pain, suffering and obviously CHAOS! A true to word kill or be killed faction necessary in any mmo.

We have a couple simple rules that must be followed
*praise the chaos gods for we are them and they are us.
* war is a true test of a mans will and valor and is mandatory
* KILL!!!
To join post this here

1. Discipline leads to Victory
2. It is Victory in War that brings Immortality
3. Immortality is the Gift of Chaos
4. In exchange, Chaos demands Blood
5. Thus, Blood must be ever spilt
6. Therefore, Eternal Life demands Eternal War
7. Eternal War demands Eternal Discipline
8. Chaos will always have Blood: ours or Theirs

Sanity is for the weak!
Cast down the idols! Destroy the temples! Slay the priests! Show these fools that they worship nothing more than a rotting corpse!
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4419 days ago
I wish you success in your goals.
Joined 4443 days ago
Last seen 4394 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4419 days ago
Especially the perdging part....
An open mind is proof of intellect....
Joined 5307 days ago
Last seen 2852 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4416 days ago
I offer you the choice that if your pantheon doesnt grow yoru elcome to come join mine :D
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5175 days ago
Last seen 3403 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4416 days ago
Foul traitors! We shall purge the taint of Chaos from this Universe!

But, to be serious, Good look with your Pantheon.

Edit: Wait a minute... Your pantheon is wholly dedicated to Khorne! What about Tzeench, Slaanesh, or uncle Nurgle?
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4416 days ago
Personally, I prefer the Greeter Good to perdging the galaxy
Joined 4430 days ago
Last seen 4286 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4416 days ago
Mister Falesh Helithian, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Wessex
Joined 4594 days ago
Last seen 3364 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4411 days ago
i love Papa Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh just as much, i just couldn't think of anything to say about them lol. even though Khorne is the blood god war feeds all gods because with death comes plague, with war comes change and power, before war comes desire for gain and obviously in war there is blood. So by spilling the blood o our enemys we not only fuel Khorne we feed Tzerencht, Slaanesh and papa Nurgle.

Change happens my friends make sure its in your favor!
Sanity is for the weak!
Cast down the idols! Destroy the temples! Slay the priests! Show these fools that they worship nothing more than a rotting corpse!
Joined 4355 days ago
Last seen 4266 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4355 days ago
I would like to join up >:)
Joined 5697 days ago
Last seen 2974 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4355 days ago
''The Machine is strong. We must purge the weak, hated flesh and replace it with the blessed purity of metal. Only through permanence can we truly triumph, only through the Machine can we find victory. Punish the flesh. Iron in mind and body. Hail the Machine!''
''The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world''
Joined 4334 days ago
Last seen 4244 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4333 days ago
Count me in!
Joined 5191 days ago
Last seen 3697 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4332 days ago
''The Machine is strong. We must purge the weak, hated flesh and replace it with the blessed purity of metal. Only through permanence can we truly triumph, only through the Machine can we find victory. Punish the flesh. Iron in mind and body. Hail the Machine!''

''We have spent countless eons in slumber. We bested our own gods in combat, enslaved and shattered them like naught, Only to remake them all together as one god to our own ideals. We have mastered reality and all its formless bounds through science. We have trancended death its self. And now after so long we rise again. We shall march across the stars, and prepare the universe for the comming of our new god. Rejoice beings of life, where ever you may be, For you have the honored blessing of being a sacrafice to the newly Reborn C'tan.''
''Lucky creatures. At long last you have found the tranquility of death. I was like you, once, clinging to life and blind to the truth.''
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4332 days ago
if the C'tan came i would be the first to serve! I would blow aside the necron scourge and then the universe in their name!
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Joined 5697 days ago
Last seen 2974 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4332 days ago
if the C'tan came i would be the first to serve! I would blow aside the necron scourge and then the universe in their name!

''It was silent as the void, and to look upon it was to know terror. It drifted above us with slow, liquid grace, and its gaze caused madness and despair wherever it fell. those it came near took their own lives rather than endure its hellish presence.''
''The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world''
Joined 5191 days ago
Last seen 3697 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4332 days ago
if the C'tan came i would be the first to serve! I would blow aside the necron scourge and then the universe in their name!

''It was silent as the void, and to look upon it was to know terror. It drifted above us with slow, liquid grace, and its gaze caused madness and despair wherever it fell. those it came near took their own lives rather than endure its hellish presence.''

''We are born for a darker purpose than that of mere existence. There will come a time when stygian night never ends, where dead stars will spread before us like islands that slumber on the ocean, and when the beings that hid like shadows will feed on us forever.''
''Lucky creatures. At long last you have found the tranquility of death. I was like you, once, clinging to life and blind to the truth.''
Joined 5697 days ago
Last seen 2974 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4323 days ago
One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness
One last blade, forged in defiance of fate
Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered
And my final gift to the species I failed
''The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world''
Joined 4003 days ago
Last seen 3940 days ago
Re. Chaos Space Marines!
Posted 4002 days ago
I'm interested in joining. :D
A cat is fine too~ Desudesudesdesu
Forums > Pantheons > Chaos Space Marines!
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