Forums > Pantheons > The Dark Ones Update
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The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4664 days ago
Hello fellow players given that work on 2.0 is going smoothly and it should not be to terribly long before we have a game version we can start to play and develop our empire's, so i thought id start up the forum page our pantheon for recruitment.


There are 3 kinds of pantheons we know of.

1. Dictatorship - The leader will reign and has the ability to control anyones planets/ships/resources.
2.Democracy- Everyone can touch your worlds and you in turn and touch theirs meaning you your buddy and the guy down the block can steal from each other and nothing to stop it.
3.Council (not sure if correct title for the thrid)-A council of sorts containing players has access to all other players worlds. These players alone have access to others worlds.

All pantheon types will have someone able to dip into yoru resources unless you lead one as a council or a dictatorship.

This pantheon will be a dictatorship and i will have access to your worlds however unless it is a absolute necessity i do not wish to touch others worlds, I list neccesary for me to control your worlds as.

1. Your world is under siege and you need forces mobilized.
2. We have just gone into a large war and require your resources for fleets to combat them.
3. Your sun is about to explode or a enemy force is on the way to attack you.

So pretty much aside form war i wont really touch your planets unless something comes up i cant forsee at this time.

Basic Rules

1. Attack policy: If we are attacked even one player is hit we will all turn and strike down the player or group who attacked us as a whole. If one of us is attacked you should feel like you were attacked and react in kind.

2. Defensive: I want all worlds to have a medium defensive fleet which will be determined at a later time on how strong it should be if we get new players you should give them some aid and supply a small defensive force and be ready to supply them with some resources what you feel comfortable supplying them with. (Note this is not mandatory but will help new players get a good start going.)

3.Treaty: All pantheons are open to negotiations for a peace treaty any pantheon in the treaty are off limits for attack. Tradeing will be allowed and other negotiations will and can be made as problems or possible aliances arise.

Classes for our Members:

For the most part each class will be available for you. Yes you can have multiple classes. No you cannot choose any rank you want some are management and will be chosen by me, but you can apply for them after a set amount of time in the pantheon if i see your serious and are helpful you will definitely be open to promotion.

(Note: I may rename these classes later if better ones are suggested but for now their fine definitions wont change names might just made them at the moment.)

Rager: The beasts of war the ones who want nothing more then to destroy and burn our foes to ash, who focus only on military might and aim to be the deadliest of players.

Guardians: Those who devote themselfs to our pantheons defensive positions and defending our fellow players and willl work with us on finding the most defendable spots. And where they feel our defenses are weak or lacking.

Shadow Elite: The trusted ones of the pantheon, they are the tactical and intelligence gathering members only the most trusted will be given assignments, and must be competent enough to handle complex responsibilities. As i am certain at some point the game will increase in mechanics and will require skilled players.

Shadow Council: The most elite second only to me will have moderate influence over all members cannot make direct orders unless a emergency comes up while i am away. Much deeper explanation on this class will be determined as we go.

Lord of Shadows: Me of course ruler of the pantheon and organizer of most if not all operations as we strive for our ultimate goals and work toward what we deem is the current goal of the pantheon. Myself and the council will determine what is for the best as a whole for our victorious and glorious empire.

Yes i do have a reputation as a evil power hungry player i make no lies i am and have been in the past. I enjoy the power and responsibility of haveing control over many players and view myself for the most part responsible in terms of management. However i cant rule the entire universe alone, strong and intelligent players are needed as well to work as a effective team.

This is a brief explanation on policy and classes available more will be added as we go.

So all are welcome to join come and sign up below I encourage any and all players who have or want similar things in a game to join us.

New and old players welcome to join.

Member List Confirmed:
Rank: Shadow Elite

Rank: Rager

Rank: Rager

All ranks are open to change as time goes by.

Current Relations with other Pantheons

Legion: Neutral
Trade Coalition: Neutral
The Pirates: Neutral
Pantheon: Neutral
Chaos Space Marines: Neutral
Sigma: Neutral - In the event it ever reopens

So far no war due to the fact that the game is not out yet.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5825 days ago
Last seen 764 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
''For the start of 2.0 we will all need to keep our tempers cool no tyranical ranting and mayhem right off the bat''

''Our prime targets will be big strong pantheons who could be a threat lets work together and take it all over''

''we will be the dominant ruleing faction or pantheon''

''if your goal is conquest in this game join me and lets all have fun ruleing over the galaxy''

just sayin. o.0
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
I hope that you find that it is in your best interests to be legions ally.
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
I declare war...
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
I ain't afraid of no dark ones.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5290 days ago
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
Congraduations Kiloran, you just got most of the player base wanting to destroy your empire, aren't you proud of yourself? :D
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
Ok lets see.
1. joseph i take you odd questiong statement as a declaration of you wanting to join :D.

2.squishy nice to see you and dont pretend its The Dark Ones you want war with its me lol.

3.extist nice to see your still kicking.

4.shanghai guy i dont recall saying you had to be afraid? But thanks for shareing :3

5. Pai Yes yes i am proud :P also get a scarier waffle based avatar yours isnt scary at all o.o.
I will always arise from the ashes.
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
You shouldve done this more secretly and not cause as much attention to yourself. Now everyone will be keeping an eye on you.... EvRyOnE
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
Well Auios thats the plan :3 i already did that and have some allies this is for new players who want to join up with a top guild. And if you all want to destroy me fine makes things interesting :D. Also this was intended to let players who want to join post thier desire to ally with me not to rant against me or The Dark Ones so unless its about joining please refrain from posting negative things.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5825 days ago
Last seen 764 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4664 days ago
AWWW you would let me join? that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but sadly i must decline good sir! i was just poking fun an your little '' lets not get all tyrannical just yet '' thing and then saying ''we are going to dominate the galaxy'' and all that jazz.

you sir! contradicted yourself and i was just pointing it out... as far as everyone wanting to destroy you, well you did that to yourself by openly saying anyone with enough power to do any sort of harm to you, you will destroy (or attempt as much).

as far as controlling everything... well good luck with that. and you're a top ''guild''... -.- >.< >.> o.0. considering gai isnt even playable yet? if you say so. good luck to you sir! i look forward to meeting you on the proverbial battlefield and such and blah blah so on so forth... ect ect...
Joined 5209 days ago
Last seen 2923 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4663 days ago
pantheons are going to get huge once advertisement for this game starts.
We are the keepers of history. Everything you have done has been done by you before in the past infinity. We know everything; we can control everything if we desired it. We are the Documenters. We are always watching.
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Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4662 days ago
Josheph so nice to hear back from you. Yes i got your jest however i think it failed to dawn on you that that is our goals and how our rules work. It was not saying ok lets kill em all then lets stay calm :3 not at all. Reread the first article old chap and see if you can see that keeping a cool temper was in regards to the first week or so of 2.0's release. Universal domination is our goal do i try to hide that like a coward no i state what my faction is about bold and proud to i am not a rat to hide in the shadows. So see you in battle Joseph and good luck :D against me or anyone else. Recrutiing in advance is always a good diea and Zarth is quite right as the game nears completion and we get the word out to all the other thousands of players who will one day join. Have to advertise for others to know what big pantheons are available.

So come one come all join The Dark Ones.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5290 days ago
Last seen 2582 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4662 days ago
It was not saying ok lets kill em all then lets stay calm :3 not at all. Reread the first article old chap and see if you can see that keeping a cool temper was in regards to the first week or so of 2.0's release.

You may be peaceful for the first two weeks, but everyone now knows that you plan to turn around and attack..

Universal domination is our goal do i try to hide that like a coward no i state what my faction is about bold and proud to i am not a rat to hide in the shadows. So see you in battle Joseph and good luck :D against me or anyone else.

You may be proud of yourself that you made everyone know your goals, but how proud will you be when your empire gets destroyed?

Bravery means 'strong in the face of fear'. I know you kiloran, you were not scared in the slightest when you posted.
Thus it was not bravery you did, it was, to put it politely, a sub-optimal move that will bring in negative repercussions in your empire's future.
Joined 5825 days ago
Last seen 764 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
there is a difference between a coward and someone who is calculating not spewing out his/her plans like fool. my goals are my own and if that makes me a coward in your eyes... well to be honest i dont really care -.- who knows you may do well, or not. either way it goes i will enjoy the game and the experience.
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Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
Pai oh Pai :P

OK first my plan is not to wipe you all off the map if i did that then its a stand alone game essentially :P i said id attack any pantheon bigger then my own who gets in my way. So yes i intended this. Pantheons will be able to ally with us if they wish to as long as they dont get in our way they are fine to do whatever they want.

ok 2. Pai my empire wont die as long as i play so i will be around until the end of time :3 its why i chose my icon as the phoenix i will always come back i never give up.

And as for yrou remark call it what you will pai i tell people upfront what im about and what my factions goals are in the games i play. If however you think ive told even a fraction of a fraction of my plans then you mr. waffle know nothing about me at all :P.

Joseph good to hear back from you.

I really dont care what others think people are entitled to their opinions. Again ive said what my faction will be about this is a war game if we dont fight we sit there and do nothing so yes my gold is to conquer the server over time. I havent said how when where at in the future star system that will rise wich im sure we are all eager to see by the way :D. You will see in time i quite think things through each move is calculated and the board shifts. Did i say anything about even careing what your plans are joseph i dont believe i did i wished you luck whomever you fight against :P.

As for winning or loseing well we will just have to see now wont we :3.

As i said this forum is for recruitment not speculation on the guilds politics so please refrain from posting unless your a player whos interested in joining my pantheon.

However if you want to discuss guild polotics feel free to make a new thread concerning the topic or im on the irc a fair bit if youd care to discuss it in detail.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5290 days ago
Last seen 2582 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
Pai oh Pai :P

OK first my plan is not to wipe you all off the map if i did that then its a stand alone game essentially :P i said id attack any pantheon bigger then my own who gets in my way. So yes i intended this. Pantheons will be able to ally with us if they wish to as long as they dont get in our way they are fine to do whatever they want.

Thanks for clarifing that. Your real plan still isn't great, but it's better then just 'kill-em-all'.

ok 2. Pai my empire wont die as long as i play so i will be around until the end of time :3 its why i chose my icon as the phoenix i will always come back i never give up.

Sure your empire might never die, but it can be turned irrelivant as some guy very annoyed at you kills all your attempted start-ups. Remember, empire locations are not secret.

And as for yrou remark call it what you will pai i tell people upfront what im about and what my factions goals are in the games i play. If however you think ive told even a fraction of a fraction of my plans then you mr. waffle know nothing about me at all :P.

I might not know your tatics, but I do know your strategy. That's all I need to know right now :)

Joseph good to hear back from you.

I really dont care what others think people are entitled to their opinions. Again ive said what my faction will be about this is a war game if we dont fight we sit there and do nothing so yes my gold is to conquer the server over time. I havent said how when where at in the future star system that will rise wich im sure we are all eager to see by the way :D. You will see in time i quite think things through each move is calculated and the board shifts. Did i say anything about even careing what your plans are joseph i dont believe i did i wished you luck whomever you fight against :P.

As for winning or loseing well we will just have to see now wont we :3.

We'll see, but I'm not cheering for you. You're still kinda inviting a pre-emptive strike.

As i said this forum is for recruitment not speculation on the guilds politics so please refrain from posting unless your a player whos interested in joining my pantheon.

However if you want to discuss guild polotics feel free to make a new thread concerning the topic or im on the irc a fair bit if youd care to discuss it in detail.

Hey we're keeping this thread active :D If it weren't for us, this would be buried in the forums.
Joined 5503 days ago
Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
What else do you do in a war game pai i talk to you guys on the irc in the game its a game your meant to try to win there are fleets for a reason.

Pai that is true but keep in mind that this time around there isnt exactly a limbo system so in theory i can go anywhere far away and as long as theirs no warp gates i could live easily and with eneough time to build up defenses so not quite as easy to wipe people out as it used to be.

My strategy can change anytime pai so stay on your toes :P.

Well a fight is fun anytime pai win or lose ill enjoy seeing the battle mechanics this new version centers on for future strikes.

And lastly Pai our constant rambleing on here is makeing this thing huge if we keep up this could quite easily be one of the longest threads in GaI history ill have to start antoher thread at this rate :P.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5354 days ago
Last seen 2197 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
Don't call it a wargame, war is just a part of the game.

Everyone please be considerate of Kiloran, you may all have opinions about his pantheon but, do be aware this is his recruitment page and there is a different place this conversation could be posted.
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Joined 5825 days ago
Last seen 764 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
There have been no posts trying to dissuade anyone from joining Kilorans Pantheon. I apologize for making it seem so on my part. anyway I will stop being such a trouble in your thread.

On a final note however. you keep referring to this game as something you can ''win''. this is not so. in this game no one can win because there is no end ''at least not that we know of'' anyone who is beaten can come back again and again, there is no limit to how many times an empire once destroyed can return.

Kiloran as usual people with the same mind set/goals as you will ofc try and either join your pantheon or others like it, but just remember you can't ''win'' in this game no matter how well you do. War in this game is different than others that actually have an end, or a winner. War in this game will just create more and more enemies and some of them could remain so for a very long time, so use that tool carefully. That is something we should have learned in the last game.
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Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones
Posted 4661 days ago
Is there a way to really win joseph no is there a way for players who enjoy the game to basically control the game with eneough time most certainly.

As for enemies i know quite well i was wiped out many times now thankfully in this new version i cant be killed as fast limbo really made it impossible to keep alive as soon as they found your world you were dead now though even when im found depending on distances i will not be able to be attacked anywhere from a few hours to days and thats eneough time to get built up and prepare wich will make things much easier.

I didnt say i could win the game since this is a persistant game that for now seems never ending :P. I meant i could control the universe with eneough time and effort and planning and thats reason eneough for wars to wage across the stars for dominance for the power of every world and im bored and what better goal in a space mmo.

So no i cant win the game but i can win wars.

I know how war works joseph still have many who hate me who would love to wage war and exterminate me :P. My enemies when defeated will have the choice to join me if they wish or they can start somewhere else and i wont harrass them again as i expand The Dark Ones territory. However wherever their new home is would be at some point fought over so joining would be the best option.

However im now going to make a thread for discussion and let this be solely for recrutiment :D so come on and chat up the thread when you all find out.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5503 days ago
Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Updated June 19th 2012
Posted 4616 days ago
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 4633 days ago
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4583 days ago
I may join, if I do not end up making a more... Light-based Pantheon instead.
The Ascendant Firebird.
Joined 5170 days ago
Last seen 2447 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4583 days ago
I may join, if I do not end up making a more... Light-based Pantheon instead.
Don't do it... You'll be destroyed. You know why? Because the majority of players will band together and stand up against ''The Dark Ones'' because they are sick of the dictatorship over the galaxy.

You should read about WWII and see how that turned out for Nazis

{Also I know I am painting a big red target on my head for Kiloran}
Joined 5449 days ago
Last seen 2903 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4583 days ago
I may join, if I do not end up making a more... Light-based Pantheon instead.
Don't do it... You'll be destroyed. You know why? Because the majority of players will band together and stand up against ''The Dark Ones'' because they are sick of the dictatorship over the galaxy.

You should read about WWII and see how that turned out for Nazis {Also I know I am painting a big red target on my head for Kiloran}

Hey come on man dont do that. That's uncalled for
Something witty and funny
Joined 4633 days ago
Last seen 2301 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4583 days ago
Every major Pantheon so far has demon/darkness/chaos connotations. The only other option is the Trade Federation, which frankly is not my style (no offense intended to the T.F.).
The Ascendant Firebird.
Joined 5170 days ago
Last seen 2447 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4582 days ago
Lol fine xD
I am pro - liberty
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4527 days ago
*yawns* ive been asleep a long time it seems. Imback and ready to recruit those who want to reign over the galaxy. Auis good to see you made a few comments do you know why im so hated why im such a threat?

Because i have much free time to devote to this game if i choose to and i will take what i want anyone who reigns with me in my pantheon will get the spoils of war so to speak am i a dictator ingame?

Absolutely any empire needs excellent control especially in thsi game the mechanics are much changed since 1.x so a dictator is what will be able to claim the systems of the galaxy i feel that i and those at my side will not be taken down easily and that we shall all eventually have control of the board so to speak its only a matter of time.

And for the most part auios your free to do as you wish long as you do as your told when we are at war and if you agree to live in our systems you pay a small fee that negotiable over time and dont gather a big army since youd be in The Dark Ones controlled space so no need for you to have a army we will keep troops stationed for your protection other then that yoru free to do as you wish if you want to join our pantheon then you may and fight.

I am hated for my ambition, I am hated for my power, I am the future and i will make my place in history. In gods and idols anyway :P

so recruitment is back open join up folks and feel free to leave notes debates are welcome.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 4633 days ago
Last seen 2301 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4527 days ago
I am still willing to join. I, the Deus Phoenix will brainwash my population diligently.
The Ascendant Firebird.
Joined 5503 days ago
Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4527 days ago
Welcome aboard RisingPhoenix hope you find the pantheon to your likeing.

You will be given a high seat of power since your the first to join and thus has the army grown.

Come one come all let the army rise to claim the glaaxy for our own.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 4886 days ago
Last seen 491 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4527 days ago
See that guy above me who has almost the same god as me? I want to kill him, because my god is more loving than his.

Anyone else going to help me destroy The Dark ones?
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4527 days ago
Love does not win wars dauntless though i welcome you to wage war no hard feelings if i should conquer your land i hope. Or space terrain.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5170 days ago
Last seen 2447 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4526 days ago
See that guy above me who has almost the same god as me? I want to kill him, because my god is more loving than his.

Anyone else going to help me destroy The Dark ones?
Not directly destroy... That'd be a bad idea.
Joined 5503 days ago
Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4526 days ago
There is no way to actually ''destroy'' someone if i know the basic understanding of how the game is to work. So in a sense none of us can ever be truly defeated.

We could lose our fleets lose our colonies but our home system should always be safe so im afraid your goals arent realistic atm but i wish you both luck if you want to fight me.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 4633 days ago
Last seen 2301 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4526 days ago
Being my enemy is unhealthy. I rise from the dead with more power than before. That is bad... For my enemies.

And Kiloran, thank you for a seat of power, I appreciate it.
The Ascendant Firebird.
Joined 5276 days ago
Last seen 1562 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4482 days ago
Kiloran get on the IRC when you can, I have a prospects with you to discuss.
Joined 4435 days ago
Last seen 4431 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4434 days ago
Don't suppose this is still active? Last post on here was 40-odd days ago.

In the event it IS still a thing, seems interesting. As someone who styles himself a deity of Dark paths, lost Lore and patience, I approve.
''The quickest way to undo a tight knot is with a sharp knife.''
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4434 days ago
Sentaris yep i and my pantheon are still kicking and alive and you are on the list of players in my pantheon keep in mind the game isnt released yet but you are in our ranks now just tell me what role in the pantheon youd like to just say wich interests you..

Anyone else who would liek to join with us is welcome to and dont think were pure evil we are always willing to leave a few alive :3.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 4433 days ago
Last seen 4432 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4433 days ago
i would like to join
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4433 days ago
Accepted swift welcome aboard.
I will always arise from the ashes.
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 4432 days ago
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Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 3987 days ago
I am still around. Just wanted to say that.
The Ascendant Firebird.
Joined 5503 days ago
Last seen 3048 days ago
Re. The Dark Ones Update
Posted 3977 days ago
I am around still nice to see a ally around still o/

also still recruiting. just makeing sure folks still know.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Forums > Pantheons > The Dark Ones Update
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