Forums > Pantheons > Epsilon: Dec 21st, 2010 - Dec 26th, 2015
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Last seen 2251 days ago
Epsilon: Dec 21st, 2010 - Dec 26th, 2015
Posted 4550 days ago
***Last updated 5/5/2014***
Status: Re-planning / Waiting for development to finish
{Dec 21st, 2010 - Dec 26th, 2015}

Epsilon (Previously known as Sigma) is one of the oldest Pantheons in Gods and Idols.
Established on December 21st in 2010. Development of this Pantheon will be paused while Gods and Idols is still in development.

Information on other Pantheons:

Establish Date: Sunday, February 5, 2012
Created by: Grantrithor
Government Style: ?

The Dark Ones
Establish Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Created by: Kiloran
Government Style: Dictatorship

The Trade Coalition
Establish Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Created by: Tobe
Government Style: Coalition

Chaos Space Marines
Establish Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Created by: superfuger
Government Style: ?

The Adflictorem
Establish Date: Monday, October 29, 2012
Created by: Boxpipe
Government Style: ?

American Pantheon
Establish Date: Thursday, July 25, 2013
Created by: medchtsia
Government Style: ?

Black Sun Pantheon
Establish Date: Friday, September 13, 2013
Created by: mjvej4f
Government Style: ?

Democratic Republic of Omi
Establish Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Created by: erlae0000
Government Style: Oligarchy

Establish Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014
Created by: Joseph
Government Style: ?

Triune Choir
Establish Date: Thursday, December 3, 2015
Created by: Nester64
Government Style: ?
Joined never
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Re. Sigma
Posted 4549 days ago
Id like to sign up as an ecology advisor
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 1591 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4454 days ago
May I join this Pantheon? The name is pretty cool :3 Jk, I do like the name though. It seems like a pretty cool group and it's something I'd like to be part of.
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4453 days ago
Ahh nice pantheon.. Good Luck with this... I might join, but dont know much about those players you have to contact. Maybe after a week or two after launch i will join. If your members are good enough players.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
May I join this Pantheon? The name is pretty cool :3 Jk, I do like the name though. It seems like a pretty cool group and it's something I'd like to be part of.
This is an economic group. I am hoping use this group to help support the universe's economics. I havn't updated the topic in a while. I'll do that in a moment.

Ahh nice pantheon.. Good Luck with this... I might join, but dont know much about those players you have to contact. Maybe after a week or two after launch i will join. If your members are good enough players.
You're welcome to join anytime you want. After a week or two the goals of this pantheon may just change into something completely different, keep it in mind. This could just turn into a military type pantheon to fight the Dark Ones, if it became necessary.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
Id like to sign up as an ecology advisor
You cannot be an ecology advisor :o
Atleast, for now
Joined 4973 days ago
Last seen 4403 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
Auios, why is it named Sigma anyway?
Because Auios wasn't friendly enough, so they made another, however, not as smart.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
Auios, why is it named Sigma anyway?
Do you have a better name for an economic group?
Joined 5307 days ago
Last seen 2852 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
Well some things to keep in mind for this release i dont even think Pantheons will be open yet for joining recruitment etc.

Also i couldnt attack because ships arent in the game for awhile yet.

And im open to alliance discusions on certain grounds as long as your only a economic faction that would intend to stay out of all conflicts i wouldnt really care about you to be honest im sure we can work out a few trade deals down the line.

For the start of the comeing up patch you only get 1 world you can seed to my knowledge so for a few weeks likely wont be war at all anyway.

So for the time beign relax :3
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
We have some similarities. I would like to extend to you a hand of friendship from Legion.
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
Kiloran if i joined this pantheon i highly doubt you will want to attack. That is, unless you want half the universe breathing down your pantheon's back. Nahautl took out the dark ones at it's peak in 1.x along with any other pantheon that came against us. I still have ties with my m8's, so lets just say it wont end pretty for your end.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4452 days ago
AHHH Nahuatl... those were some good times eh?
Joined 5307 days ago
Last seen 2852 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Kiloran if i joined this pantheon i highly doubt you will want to attack. That is, unless you want half the universe breathing down your pantheon's back. Nahautl took out the dark ones at it's peak in 1.x along with any other pantheon that came against us. I still have ties with my m8's, so lets just say it wont end pretty for your end.

Moopy half the galaxy hates me as is :P or 3/4 hard to say im not accounting the new players yet. And moopy im not very impressed if you recall after the super worlds were gone i got bored with teh game i was gone for 2 or 3 months so you take credit when no one was here to play :P congrats on winning against a empty empire i applaud you. 2.0 will be very diffrent however and dont count your chickens before they hatch. In any even i enjoy heavy resistancce what joy in winning is there if there was no competition? So feel free and sigma is led by auios so its really up to him for war anyway :P.
I will always arise from the ashes.
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Yes jo we had some really good times. even in teamspeak. Macatord never talked much tho. Paipai was paipai too :)

And kilo binaryman and some other players were still quite active at the time. Yes you are right, you weren't there, but your pantheon fell completely when we came rolling by. Might i add, I wasn't around for when your pantheon got as big as it was. Oddly enough however 1 week after i came back, it fell. So i can play that card as well.

And yea it's up to Auios, if i join. But i can be very persuasive ask macatord and joseph :). Who do you think started the whole thing of crushing binaryman.. Twas funny that story.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
i like chiken, i like liver, meow mix, meow mix please deliver!
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
$str = str_replace(array(''\{'',''\}''),'' '',$str);
Joined 5341 days ago
Last seen 3895 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Dont forget the GC in your calculation Kiloran :P
Greetings to the people from Nahuatl !
Overlord of The Galactic Confederation
Joined 5253 days ago
Last seen 2707 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Lets stay on the topic of Sigma in this thread please.

All other discussions can be had else where :P

Auios let me know if you want the thread cleaned up
Something witty and funny
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Lets stay on the topic of Sigma in this thread please.

All other discussions can be had else where :P

Auios let me know if you want the thread cleaned up
I don't mind. :)

So feel free and sigma is led by auios so its really up to him for war anyway :P.
That's true, but my actions arnt always free. They are controled by the enviroment and events that go on in the universe.
Ex. You attack me or something. You'd be forcing me fight back.

We have some similarities. I would like to extend to you a hand of friendship from Legion.
I will gracefully shake that hand and smile back.

Well some things to keep in mind for this release i dont even think Pantheons will be open yet for joining recruitment etc.
I'm aware. But people seem to be preparing early for pantheon recruitment

Also i couldnt attack because ships arent in the game for awhile yet.
So, you wouldn't attack just because ships arn't in the game yet?

And im open to alliance discusions on certain grounds as long as your only a economic faction that would intend to stay out of all conflicts i wouldnt really care about you to be honest im sure we can work out a few trade deals down the line.
We could work trade deals out, but since I am a neutral faction. What would you care if I traded with your enemies?
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
Dont forget the GC in your calculation Kiloran :P
Greetings to the people from Nahuatl !

FuDu!!! Been a while buddy. :)

Awwe macatord you know you miss those days as well.

Auios. I believe he would not like you trading with enemy fleets/pantheons.

If i join i would like to be a part of resource management. I love mining and i love eco play so keep a slot open for me in that department if i do join up :)
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago

Auios. I believe he would not like you trading with enemy fleets/pantheons.


If i join i would like to be a part of resource management. I love mining and i love eco play so keep a slot open for me in that department if i do join up :)

I will do that :)
Joined 4973 days ago
Last seen 4403 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4451 days ago
I still don't know exactly what role I may preform more than the rest.
Because Auios wasn't friendly enough, so they made another, however, not as smart.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma
Posted 4449 days ago
I still don't know exactly what role I may preform more than the rest.
I don't know yet either, until I see how the game works.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma - May 23, 2012
Posted 4448 days ago
Topic updated
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Re. Sigma - Updated: May 23, 2012
Posted 4403 days ago
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. Sigma - Updated: July 6, 2012 *CLOSED*
Posted 4403 days ago
That is unfortunate Auios.
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma - Updated: July 18, 2012 *CLOSED*
Posted 3810 days ago
I decided to re-open this group. But it will be just be idling here for until whenever. I've become real busy since I joined this community. I'm not fully sure what I am going to do later one.
Joined 3872 days ago
Last seen 3403 days ago
Re. Sigma - Dec 21st, 2010 - Feb 19th, 2014
Posted 3810 days ago
The democratic republic of omi would like to be allies with you
Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. Sigma - Dec 21st, 2010 - Feb 19th, 2014
Posted 3810 days ago
Joined 3872 days ago
Last seen 3403 days ago
Re. Sigma - Dec 21st, 2010 - Feb 20th, 2014
Posted 3809 days ago
great i vant wait for a functional allaince to start ill trade you some of our minerals we mine
Forums > Pantheons > Epsilon: Dec 21st, 2010 - Dec 26th, 2015
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