Forums > Pantheons > My name is Legion; for we are many.
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My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4555 days ago
***Pantheon Public Channel is, #Legionnaire_Den***

The Legion will continue its presence and carve out its fate in the new universe given to us by the old gods.

Legion does not seek open violence but, will not tolerate it done against it. We work as a single mind in many vessel always working towards our own ''greater good'' while leaving none seeking a safe haven left to the cosmos.

Please sign your name to this topic if you wish to become as one and join the Legion. Even if you have already told me that you wish to join my pantheon in v2 please post your name below.


Primarch - Leader -


Champion of the Legion - second in command -
- awarded for outstanding loyalty, activity, friendship, and trust.

Commanding Officers - XOs -
Positions to be held as Advisers. Each of equal rank and say. Do not ask to be a XO you will be approached.

Lucifer: Head of State -


Mammon: Trade/Profit - concerns her/himself with matters of inner-pantheon trading, inter-pantheon trading, and general profit of the pantheon.

Asmodeus: Spying - concerns her/himself with the creation and maintenance of the spy network.

(the person who holds this position will only be known to the Champion and Primarch, unless deemed necessary by the two before mentioned.)

Leviathan: Diplomat -


Beelzebub: Tech/Development - concerns her/himself with the general well being and development of the pantheon.

(This person needs to have a great understanding of game mechanics to find the best strategy of growing fast and staying strong in the easiest way possible.)

Amon: Admiral -

recently vacant

Cerebellum - Rank containing veteran Legion.

Cerebral Cortex - Rank containing seasoned Legion.

Members (no particular order)-



- Do not attack other players without prior consent.

- All attacks against Legion members that are not given reparations will be taken as an act of war. We will prepare ourselves as such. NO attack on a Legion member will ever be condoned.

- If a CALL OF ARMS is issued, all members must muster a fighting force to be directed as one against the enemy.

----------------------------------NEW MEMBERS----------------------------------

If you are accepted into Legion you are one with Legion and treated as such you will be given every opportunity available to help you flourish.

Submit any request to me or to an XO.

----------------------------------UNRANKED MEMBERS----------------------------------

There are other players that were previously in Legion and that showed interest but did not post here. If your still wishing to be a part of Legion please post.

---------------------------------- FOREIGN RELATIONS----------------------------------

Trade Coalition - NAP and trade agreement
- people present: Tobe, Grantrithor, Uncle_PaiPai
- Legion voted yea by Grantrithor and Uncle_PaiPai
- Trade Coalition voted ''I Tobe, a representative of The Trade Coalition, hereby agree and endorse the results of these negotiation talks and if such negotiations go unacknowledged upon release of the game or when such negotiations may become applicable, then may it be an attack on my credibility as well as the Trade Coalition's.''

Adflictorem - NAP
- people present: Boxpipe, Grantrithor, Uncle_PaiPai
- Legion voted yea by Grantrithor and Uncle_PaiPai
- Adflictorem voted yea by Boxpipe
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4555 days ago
I, Uncle PaiPai, will be part of the we :D
Joined 4639 days ago
Last seen 3831 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4555 days ago
Sure ill join... xD
... got legion in the name lol
my sign here: Bihlegija
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4555 days ago
I'll join as well!
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4554 days ago
Sign me up, even though I have already been signed up.
Joined 4978 days ago
Last seen 2609 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4554 days ago
''greeter good''

I'll sign up for that one :D
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4466 days ago
And, Ill join if it's still there..
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5618 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4466 days ago
And, Ill join if its still there..
It is.
Joined 4688 days ago
Last seen 4365 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4466 days ago
I'll join too :) I like both the name and your goals
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4465 days ago
I am pleased to see people signing up for Legion. Can't wait to play beside you all.
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Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago

Others seem to be posting pantheon page stuff so i prolly should.

There are other players that were previously in Legion and that showed interest but did not post here. If your still wishing to be a part of Legion please post.
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Joined 4974 days ago
Last seen 2251 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago
You should fix (own ''greeter good'' while)
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago
correcting spelling mistakes auios? WELLP mayhaps you should be sure your spelling is on its a game before you go correcting others mistakes -.- like yourselfs? just sayin.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago

I kept tht because of this:

''greeter good''

I'll sign up for that one :D

hadn't noticed the mistake till then thought it would be funny to keep.
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Joined 4974 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago
correcting spelling mistakes auios? WELLP mayhaps you should be sure your spelling is on its a game before you go correcting others mistakes -.- like yourselfs? just sayin.
Excuse you? I just so happen to notice it and I wanted to help. Don't be all so negative about this.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4447 days ago
Not being negative at all, sorry you are taking it that way. On another note though the spelling mistake was already mentioned in a previous post, once again just sayin.
Joined 5097 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4446 days ago
Stay on topic please.

This pantheon shall be interesting. Not really my cup o' tea though.
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4445 days ago
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4445 days ago
Whats up Daunt?
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4445 days ago
Whats up Daunt?

I had a question, but I got my answer from reading the post.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4442 days ago
anything i can explain further or tht you may have a concern with?
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Joined 5618 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4441 days ago
anything i can explain further or that you may have a concern with?
You did such a good job on the thread that it is unnecessary.
Joined 4443 days ago
Last seen 4394 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4440 days ago
I know little of forums, much about Empire Building. I wish to join Legion in any role available. You will find that I am loyal to my friends, but nightmarish to my enemies. You will also notice my avatar is NOT smiling !!
An open mind is proof of intellect....
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4440 days ago
I like how you added that your avatar is unhappy. O.o
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4440 days ago
I like how you added that your avatar is unhappy. O.o

To me, his avatar looks like it has no emotion. Obviously it lacks waffles, that would make it happy and joyful :D
Joined 5618 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4439 days ago
I think we should hold random gatherings of forces to practice teamwork and co-ordination.
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4438 days ago
Yo I talked to Squish in forum and i asked him some general questions about legion. Now i am aware of the Beelzebulb rank. But i would like a more direct mentoring rank. If that rank is added, then i may join this pantheon.

As an Econ/Mentor type player. Now Im not the type to drop 60% of my econ to support war efforts. I'm strictly econ. I will aid in skirmishes and sort but i will hesitate on full scale wars. Only unless of course it is directly affecting my economy.

As for mentoring. I love mentoring and recruiting new players. So as that I feel that the recruiting and mentoring should go hand in hand. So if you accept me as mentor type player. I should be treated as a recruiter type player as well.

That is all. Im not demanding anything. Just letting you know what you should expect of me. I hide no secrets of my play style/goals.
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 3569 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4437 days ago
ill join if i get my COOOKIES!
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4432 days ago
I wish I could give you cookies, but depending on what happens I won't mind creating trade routes with you.
Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4432 days ago
I'm guessing since grant hasnt posted he didn't take me up on my offer. It's all good.
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4432 days ago
I'm guessing since grant hasnt posted he didn't take me up on my offer. It's all good.

Not necessarily, grant isn't very active nowadays.
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4432 days ago
I'm guessing since grant hasnt posted he didn't take me up on my offer. It's all good.
He did actually. I will post his response.

ME: So I spoke to Moopy who was interested in joining the legion. He wanted a mentoring position and with thought I realized that it is a perfectly valid position and will only help aim in the development of brotherhood. He is willing to join us and would like to sign up for Mentoring.

Grant: tht would be fine.

I would correct his spelling error, but I feel it is more legit this way. Also, I never posted it here before because I figured he would update the thread because he is active in the forums.
Joined 5097 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4432 days ago
Ahh okay.. well then. Hopefully i see my name on the list soon enough :)
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
Yo I talked to Squish in forum and i asked him some general questions about legion. Now i am aware of the Beelzebulb rank. But i would like a more direct mentoring rank. If that rank is added, then i may join this pantheon.

As an Econ/Mentor type player. Now Im not the type to drop 60% of my econ to support war efforts. I'm strictly econ. I will aid in skirmishes and sort but i will hesitate on full scale wars. Only unless of course it is directly affecting my economy.

As for mentoring. I love mentoring and recruiting new players. So as that I feel that the recruiting and mentoring should go hand in hand. So if you accept me as mentor type player. I should be treated as a recruiter type player as well.

That is all. Im not demanding anything. Just letting you know what you should expect of me. I hide no secrets of my play style/goals.

Those goals could fit either the Mammon or Beelzebulb rank. you could do your eco/mentoring, but your ranks duties would still have to be attended.

Also to obtain a XO rank you must:
1) join Legion
2) become experienced with the game
3) gain my trust
4) you will be approached with the offer to become an XO

I would like to state that during a wartime scenario all able Legion members must actively take part in the conflict. Without hesitation. ESPECIALLY top ranking members. This is not suggested of Legion members it is demanded. It shows that we are one. We act as one. If you attack any of us, you attack all of us. If Legion enters war whether you be directly attacked or not, any members economy loss should be seen as YOUR economy loss. The reward for protecting your Legion, is Legion protects you, helps you, is you.

If you don't want to play this way, im sorry to say that you will not be accepted into Legion. We do not operate any other way.
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Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
ill join if i get my COOOKIES!

cookies are handed out every other hour.
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Joined 5097 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
Well im not saying that I wont help. I'm just saying that i wont stop my economic advancement just to aid some war. I am not a war type player, so for me to stop and concentrate on war efforts, that goes against my play style. I will send aid i'm just letting you know, don't expect me to drop everything. That's why we have war players.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
Grant, I would like to formally put in my application to join the Legion. I've known you for a long time and you have always been a stand up guy. I like the direction you are attempting to take this pantheon and I would like to be apart of it.

As far as any skills go, obviously the game isn't out yet so i do not know of any skills that would help right off the bat. All i know is from my experience in 1.x i have been in alot of battles and i have had my fair share of the top of the score board. I have been the leader of afew pantheons myself and in my opinion :P they were some pretty good groups. Now as to my position within the pantheon, I leave it at your discretion. I am not requesting any particular rank. (although i would prefer something to do with military, i am a war monger what can i say -.- )

Thanx for reading, i hope you consider my application :)

Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
What if the person would like to concern him/herself in more than just one thing? For example: I plan on choosing Military and Trade. What rank would that put me in?
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4431 days ago
Well you can concern your self with everything, but when a person is a specifically ranked member then their duty is to train or direct other members to do what they find works best. It is everyone else duty in the pantheon to either accept or find a better way of doing it, and then redirect their findings to the ranked person in question. It is just apart of the honor of being in Legion.

It is basically a constant cycle of progression/
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4430 days ago
Everyone, lets get our steam names together so we can communicate.

Uncle Pai_Pai
squishynidas - Squishy
Dauntless233 - FattieLittle
Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4430 days ago
I dunt has teh steamish steam
Joined 5618 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4430 days ago
Damn! I hope that the forums get a private section for pantheons.
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4430 days ago
My steam name is FattieLittle

{Edit} It's now Dauntless.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - May 23
Posted 4430 days ago
would love to have you aboard joseph

Well im not saying that I wont help. I'm just saying that i wont stop my economic advancement just to aid some war. I am not a war type player, so for me to stop and concentrate on war efforts, that goes against my play style. I will send aid i'm just letting you know, don't expect me to drop everything. That's why we have war players.

im not asking you to stop your economic side. NO war Legion participates in should ever be called by Legion members as ''some war'' any conflict involving one member involves Legion. the rules i have laid out are not asked, they are not guidelines, they are demanded. Yes, indeed there are war players but, if the situation calls for it and i issue a CALL OF ARMS all Legion is war players.
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Joined 4429 days ago
Last seen 4394 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - june 10
Posted 4429 days ago
Hey guys, I'm back :)

I'd like to sign up/in here :D
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - june 10
Posted 4428 days ago
Whats up wizard!
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4427 days ago
updated, also i just want Legion members to know, that i do not anyone recruiting. People will either want to join or wont want to join.
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Joined 4640 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4426 days ago
Well if there is still room count me in as well :)
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4423 days ago
just posting so people realize they have been accepted. Applications have been accepted if you are listed on the first post.

I just want to take this moment to ask everyone who is a Legionnaire to take a look at the rules of the pantheon and the discussion i had in the topic with Moopy.

Nothing against Moopy but, if you are looking to have moopys play style you will not be any help to the Legion nor will you be accepted in our ranks.

in the words of leonidas, ''We fight as a single, impenetrable unit. That is the source of our strength. Each Spartan protects the man to his left...from thigh to neck with his shield. A single weak spot and the phalanx shatters. From thigh to neck, Ephialtes.''

This is exactly how Legion operates.
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Joined 5097 days ago
Last seen 1650 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4423 days ago
Yup go ahead and let your members economy fall when you are in a drawn out war. Forcing players to stop their personal advancement is surely the best thing for a pantheon.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4423 days ago
moopy if it came down to it and someone was out to get us like that it would fucking fail anyway. so defend it or lose it.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many. UPDATED - June 12
Posted 4423 days ago
Yup go ahead and let your members economy fall when you are in a drawn out war. Forcing players to stop their personal advancement is surely the best thing for a pantheon.

moopy i really mean no offense your a good player and a great person. the style you play as just isnt something i want.

Of course i wont let the economy of players fall. To suggest that me demanding of all Legionnaires to pick up arms and fight as one unit, all taking part, is going to be the downfall of the players economy is just purely ridiculous. Their personal advancement is not blocked in anyway and really for you to be saying stuff like I'm ''forcing'' players to stop it is rude.

I do not make anyone join Legion. In fact, we do not even recruit. People join of their own free will and accord. I let them know what to expect coming in. Everyone is free to play as they would in time of peace, following a few guidelines on conduct. But when Legion becomes involved in a conflict we strike as one. All involved, no exceptions. This doesn't cause you to stop advancing at all. Conquered planets, more resources, a united force to defend it. Being in wartime doesn't mean you stop advancing your own planets anyways. This is a 4X game and all 4 X's are turning at the same times.
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Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4422 days ago
Like I said Moop, you don't need to abandon your economy just because of war. You would have needed to participate in the war effort, however. Legions strength comes from teamwork and numbers. Individual strength is great, and by all means get as strong as you can because that can only better our cause.

Anyways, think of it like this, if Legion did get into a war and we started losing. While you were holding back and building your economy and not participating, (AKA being selfish), the enemy is now looming over your back door. Where would your economy be then? Fights sometimes come down to the very last person and if everyone is in the fight, then we have better odds.

I know some players may have more to add then others because they play better. The weaker players are still valuable because they are willing participants. Not only do they help fighting, but they help organization through their enthusiasm. Their behavior leads to an overall more positive attitude and outlook for the whole pantheon. That is what we hope to achieve as Legion. We hope to have strength through unity.
Joined 4429 days ago
Last seen 4394 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4418 days ago
I could volunteer to be the Mammon once the whole game starts seeding I suppose. Once I get the hang of the economics I can get a handle on how it'll operate via warcraft and fleet maintenance, etc.

By the way, steam is, you guessed, Cranialwizard
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 1591 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4416 days ago
Sign me up, even though I have already been signed up.

What he said ;D
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4403 days ago
Sign me up, even though I have already been signed up.

What he said ;D
Welcome back pal. Join the Legion event in the fan creations forums.
Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4403 days ago
Welcome Ice. Glad to have you.
Joined 4409 days ago
Last seen 685 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4359 days ago
Scroby would also like the join the many :D
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4355 days ago
application accepted, NOW ASSIMILATE!
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Joined 5158 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4330 days ago
i usually do not issue orders censoring language or posts made by legionnaires but, i am now issuing an order for all Legion members to cease posting comments in The Dark Ones topic threads. The Dark Ones thread has become a thread i would like to avoid.
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Joined 5629 days ago
Last seen 568 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4330 days ago
Hey, people of the pantheon! I was thinking we really don't talk much with each other :( as in all games of ''mostly war'' communication is key. i would like to invite you all to send me a fr on steam! that way you can be accepted into the steam group we have created for the Legion. this is my steam account send me a friends request! and get into the steam group so we can all chat.

Thanx for reading, hope to hear from you soon.
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4295 days ago
I should get a promotion to Mammon,
PaiPai supports this.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4295 days ago
No one is against this?
Than it's settled. I am the new Mammon.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4295 days ago
lol wrong. i make the decisions and people asking to be a higher rank certainly doesnt work. especially demanding. The people that currently hold ranks are people that are close friends and i have played with in 1.x either along side or i trust their abilities. so no you are not mammon and going about it the way you did is the very wrong way.

i would like to quote the pantheon title page now:

''Commanding Officers - XOs -
Positions to be held as Advisers. Each of equal rank and say. Do not ask to be a XO you will be approached.''
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Uncle PaiPai
Joined 5095 days ago
Last seen 2386 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4294 days ago
PaiPai supports this.

No I don't...
Joined 5253 days ago
Last seen 2707 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4294 days ago
I should get a promotion to Mammon,
PaiPai supports this.

Its funny that you and PaiPai are in the same Pantheon and yet you started an Anti-PaiPai Pantheon Group
Something witty and funny
Joined 4690 days ago
Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4294 days ago
I was a Mammon for 14 hours, makes me feel abit better.

I'm gone though, I've thought about it for a while, and I decided yes.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
Joined 5618 days ago
Last seen 2670 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4294 days ago
I'm still checking in here from time to time.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4293 days ago
duantless you dont want to be in legion?
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4293 days ago
Legion has fun ideas, but Tobe's Trade Coalition interests me more.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4291 days ago
Well Daunt, was a pleasure having you even if the game never got up and running, and you left us because you didn't have a ranked possition in a guild that couldn't fully operate because the game is not functional yet.
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Last seen 295 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4290 days ago
I didnt leave because of the rank, the rank thing was just a joke. Like I said, I left because Tobe looked more interesting.
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4290 days ago
Gents, sorry, but I am afraid I have some bad news.

I have decided to leave the Legion for reasons i will not go into depth about. I am just going to do my own thing when the game comes out. gl to you all.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4289 days ago
it is....very, very unfortunate to lose you jo. you will be missed.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4289 days ago
*sniff* =(
If you meet me,
Have some courtesy,
Have some sympathy, and some taste.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4289 days ago
im sorry dauntless, but we never really got to know one another. while me and jo are well acquainted. Ofc, i don't like to see anybody leave Legion. But the posts right before you quit and you quitting just because you are not an XO rank and jo unexpectedly leaving, leave me none to happy.

The succession of people leaving Legion is disturbing and i hope it not to continue. But i guess the game hasn't even popped its head out so...i shouldn't be to dismayed.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4289 days ago
I remain faithful Grant. :)
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4288 days ago
Hey Grantrithor, hope you remember old faces. Just want to know if you can setup a ''pantheon relations'' section or if you don't want to disclose that information at least tell me what the relations were between your pantheon and mine.
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4286 days ago
Legionairres, I would like you to whisper me a way to contact you. I want you to do this through the gods and idols IRC chat. If you don't know how to find it, just hover your mouse pointer over the community tab and a drop down list featuring ''Chat'' as one of the options will be there. I am looking forward to your PM's and I will get in contact with you soon. :)
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4284 days ago
We should make a Steam group (do we already?)
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4284 days ago
yes we already have a steam group
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4074 days ago
I am interested in joining :)
Joined 5158 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4074 days ago
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Last seen 685 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4073 days ago
Damn! I hope that the forums get a private section for pantheons.

lol, looking at the whole thread again for the lols. Guess what happened? :3
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4072 days ago
Ahhh... Fine. Slap me on the list too. I'd like to join.
Joined 5158 days ago
Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4067 days ago
Ahhh... Fine. Slap me on the list too. I'd like to join.

lol thats the spirit
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4067 days ago
you guys do realize that the quote, ''My name is Legion, for we are many'' comes from the bible. Jesus was talking to a man possessed by demons who was compulsively cutting himself. When Christ spoke to him, that's what the host of demons said to Him. He subsequently cast the demons out of the man. The demons then begged mercy from Christ, asking to be cast into a herd of swine so they may throw themselves into a nearby river and be drowned. Christ showed mercy and allowed it... just so you know. Apparently a better fate than they would have normally had coming to them... not implying anything, just spreading the info.
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Last seen 2001 days ago
Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4067 days ago
you guys do realize that the quote, ''My name is Legion, for we are many'' comes from the bible. Jesus was talking to a man possessed by demons who was compulsively cutting himself. When Christ spoke to him, that's what the host of demons said to Him. He subsequently cast the demons out of the man. The demons then begged mercy from Christ, asking to be cast into a herd of swine so they may throw themselves into a nearby river and be drowned. Christ showed mercy and allowed it... just so you know. Apparently a better fate than they would have normally had coming to them... not implying anything, just spreading the info.

i know have you taken a look at the names of the XO's?
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4067 days ago
no, i haven't. you mean the XO's of your pantheon?
Joined 4077 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4067 days ago
he ment the titels like Lucifer etc
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 4065 days ago
Celestium, not meaning anything by this or nuffin, but did YOU know. that there is a crematory that is named Celestium?

Fun fact of the day :)
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 3681 days ago
My name is Necro, for we are many.
Joined 4409 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 3681 days ago
My name is Necro, for we are many.

Hello, Necro. I am Scroby, but you can call me Scroby.
Joined 4690 days ago
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Re. My name is Legion; for we are many.
Posted 3681 days ago
Hello Uncle PaiPai, how is Scroby?
Forums > Pantheons > My name is Legion; for we are many.
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