Forums > Diary > Good news everyone!
Joined 6207 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
Good news everyone!
Posted 1894 days ago
Servers are now back online!

There will not be 2 months of downtime!

  • On Friday 24th the game servers and the website will go offline.
  • On Monday the 27th they should come back online!
They will then remain online until my apartment is fixed, at which point the process is repeated. A day or two of downtime before the servers come back online.
There will be more information and exact dates posted as we draw closer.

Barring any last minute issues everything has worked out with minimal downtime.

I'll try to have a proper gameplay related dev. diary for you fine deities sometime next week.

Thank you everyone for your support and understanding. Phase III is back on track!
Forums > Diary > Good news everyone!
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