Forums > Patches > Patch 4.23.1045 (Balance and stats)
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Patch 4.23.1045 (Balance and stats)
Posted 2092 days ago
  • The following buildings have had their production slots changed:
    • Quarry reduced to 1 from 2
    • Shaftmine reduced to 1 from 2
    • Produce farm reduced to 1 from 2
    • Hydroponics reduced to 2 from 3
    • Factory reduced to 2 from 3
    • Manufactory reduced to 2 from 3
    • Powerplant reduced to 1 from 2
    • Refinery reduced to 2 from 3
  • The following goods have changed:
    • Concrete output increased to 9/min from 7.2/min
    • Concrete cost changed to 4.8 Clay/min from 3.6 Clay/min, no change to Limestone use
    • Meat cost changed to 9.6 Animals/min from 14.40 Animals/min
    • Meat output increased to 6/min from 4.8/min
    • Animals output increased to 6.6/min from 4.8/min
    • Superconductors now have a proper cost
    • Motors now have a proper cost
    • Tool cost increased from 1.8 Iron and Wood/min to 3 Iron and Wood/min
  • New resources added:
    • Specialized tools
  • Planet stats now affect production efficiency
  • An efficiency breakdown is now available if you mouse-over the efficiency of a building in the city manager
  • Improved tooltip handling for dynamic content
  • Production efficiency can't go absurdly into the negative anymore
  • City centers were incorrectly affected by production efficiency
Forums > Patches > Patch 4.23.1045 (Balance and stats)
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