Forums > Diary > Jattpatch 17.06.24
Joined 6208 days ago
Last seen 2 days ago
Jattpatch 17.06.24
Posted 2590 days ago
Update July 18
Finally healing and starting to feel better.

For those worried and wondering: stitches opened up within hours of surgery.
Various complications with an open wound that wouldn't stop oozing.
A scare with a suspected intestinal hernia, which turned out to be severed nerves missfiring.

And here we are today. Still in pain, a vague constant feeling of nausea. But I don't sleep 20h a day anymore (Something that greatly annoyed Raven67854).

Original post below:
  • Removed inflamed appendix

We'll return to our normal schedule once I feel better <3
Forums > Diary > Jattpatch 17.06.24
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